Say What |

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

 התמכרות היא מצב מורכב המשפיע על אנשים בדרכים רבות ומגוונות. היא גורמת לנזק בריאותי, נפשי וחברתי, ומשפיעה על יכולתו של האדם לנהל חיים נורמטיביים. ב"שביל הדרך לחיים", מרכז הגמילה שלנו, אנו מתמחים בגמילה מסמים ומציעים טיפול מותאם אישית למטופלים שלנו. צוות המומחים שלנו מספק תמיכה מקצועית וחמה במטרה לעזור למטופלים להפסיק את השימוש המזיק ולהחזיר להם את השליטה על חייהם. עם שיטות טיפול מתקדמות וממוקדות בהתמכרות, אנו עוזרים למטופלים לשבור את מעגל ההתמכרות ולהתחיל מחדש בדרך בריאה ומשמעותית.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Say What has breaking news

Say What has breaking news, vital journalism, quizzes, videos, celeb news, Tasty food videos, recipes, DIY hacks, and all the trending buzz you’ll want to share with your friends.

Say What??

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

8 Unsolved Mysteries That Have Been Thoroughly Solved

8 Unsolved Mysteries That Have Been Thoroughly Solved

Like The Voynich Manuscript or the Mary Celeste, there are a lot of mysteries out there that continue to baffle the masses. To be clear, this isn`t that. The myths found below are perpetuated by people who simply refuse to do a quick Google search.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

All about Proxies / P2P Proxies network / Reverse proxies |

All about Proxies / P2P Proxies network / Reverse proxies | proxy server is any computer system offering a service that acts as an intermediary between the two communicating parties, the client and the server. In the presence of a proxy server, there is no direct communication between the client and the server. Instead, the client connects to the proxy server and sends requests for resources such as a document, web page or a file that resides on a remote server. The proxy server handles this request by fetching the required resources from the remote server and forwarding the same to the client. While each of these systems provides unique features, they all rely on providing access to content via IP recognition. This method takes advantage of the uniqueness of public IP addresses that are registered to a particular institution. Because these are unique and cannot be impersonated, they provide a unique and reliable way to ensure that requests for content coming from computers at those IP addresses indeed belong to the institution and therefore the user is a member of this institution. This is similar to providing the content provider with a unique phone number. Therefore, whenever they see an incoming "call" from that phone number, they have "Caller ID" to identify who is requesting the content, and if they indeed have valid permission to do so, they can provide this content back to the "caller". A proxy server is software running on a computer located somewhere between a remote user and the Internet resources the user wishes to access. The proxy server intercepts all requests coming from the remote user and, in effect, becomes a gateway through which the remote user accesses Internet resources. A function that is often combined with a firewall is a proxy server. The proxy server is used to access Web pages by the other computers. When another computer requests a Web page, it is retrieved by the proxy server and then sent to the requesting computer. The net effect of this action is that the remote computer hosting the Web page never comes into direct contact with anything on your home network, other than the proxy server.

 התמכרות היא לא רק מצב פיזיולוגי אלא גם מאבק נפשי ורגשי, וההבנה הזו מנחה אותנו ב"שביל הדרך לחיים", מרכז גמילה מוביל לטיפול והתמודדות עם התמכרות לסמים ולאלכוהול. במרכזנו, אנו מספקים תהליך גמילה מקצועי ואישי, שמשלב גישות טיפוליות מתקדמות עם תמיכה רגשית המותאמת לצרכים הייחודיים של כל מטופל. אנו מאמינים בגישה הוליסטית, שלא רק מטפלת בתסמינים אלא גם פועלת לטפל בשורש הבעיה, להחזיר שליטה לידי המטופלים ולאפשר להם לשוב לחיים מלאים ומשמעותיים ללא התמכרות.

‘South Park’s’ Latest Episode ‘Band in China’ Gets Banned in China

It never comes as a shock when South Park says or does something completely offensive. The adult cartoon is well known for its hilarious, controversial, and often offensive humor and this is what makes it so popular around the world. However, not everyone is a fan of Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s creation and the show has made its fair share of enemies over the years… and the entire country of China is the latest one. A new episode named “Band in China” has been, literally, banned in China — and it’s not just the episode that’s been banned, the whole show has, so keep scrolling to learn more…

Continue Reading at:

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Click 'N Slide 2.02

Slip sliding away, it&#039;s your classic slider game we all played as kids. <br/> Here\'s an alternate exemplary style amusement recognizable to most everybody - a slider riddle. The object of the amusement is apparently basic ... move the bits of a scrambled picture around the board and place them into the right request. Despite the fact that it sounds simple enough, it can assuredly turn out to be a testing assignment. Notwithstanding a mixed bag of pictures that might be played with, the more courageous gamer will discover 4 separate levels of trouble to look over. Further subtle elements alongside exceptional duplicates for Webmasters could be found on the Click \'n Slide item page. Challenge: All ages. Cautioning: Disappointment is basically guaranteed at the most challenging settings! <br/><br/> Download Click &#039;N Slide 2.02 Now:

Claude Monet Art 1.0

Claude Monet art on your desktop! Art paintings for your computer... <br/> Bring Claude Monet artworks to your desktop! Claude Monet is by and large acknowledged to be the most remarkable figure around Impressionists. Monet\'s specialty is dependent upon the utilization of color to draw the intention without turning to line. Monet was utilizing short brush strokes, which regularly looked rather like spots of paint, not lines. This was a totally better approach for canvas that turned into the sign of Impressionism. He likewise prepared arrangement of canvases portraying the same scene at different times of day. His expectation was to depict the diverse environment incited by the light at distinctive times of day. The full form of this pack incorporates 270 brilliant pictures for your desktop. A free wallpaper utility, Moodbook, will draw pictures from this pack on your desktop, making the brilliant look and feel of an unique workmanship display brimming with incredible showsto
ppers... Stormy Seascape, The Vacation spot at Sainte-Adresse, Blossoms and Products of the soil, Houses of Parliament, and a lot of people more, to energize, rouse and teach... <br/><br/> Download Claude Monet Art 1.0 Now:

Java Menu 1.0

ABCNavUltimate! is an exciting new product that allows you to easily create ful <br/> Abcnavultimate! is an energizing new item that permits you to effortlessly make completely tweaked menus, in addition to add astounding enhancements to your route! Does it backing settled menus/levels, as well as backings edges, mouseover sound impacts, stunning completely adjustable enhanced appearances, (for example, scrolling, slicer, turn and the revolution smudge impacts), in addition to a great deal more! <br/><br/> Download Java Menu 1.0 Now:

Cityscapes Screen Saver 1.0

Incredible city views, beautiful night lights screen saver <br/> Staggering city sees, delightful night lights. Experience city life and magnificence without the rushing about with our cityscapes screensaver. <br/><br/> Download Cityscapes Screen Saver 1.0 Now:

Advanced NMEA Data Logger

Advanced NMEA Data Logger - an efficient tool for your data logging needs! <br/> You may be an encountered fittings or programming specialist, or a college understudy making his first steps towards an expert profession, or a talented innovation significant other enlightened by another brilliant specialized thought and searching for a convenient apparatus for calibrating your equipment programming framework. Whichever the case may be, look no more distant than Propelled NMEA Information Lumberjack, for it may well fulfill the sum of your specialized needs. The product permits you to gather GPS or NMEA strings from any NMEA good gadget continuously, transmit and get serial information over Rs422 or your Tcp/ip. Parse your dataflow the way you need with an implicit parser and send it to any provision, DOS- or Windows-based. Assuming that you have some NMEA instruments working in the meantime, don't stress - Progressed NMEA Information Lumberjack can deal with complex ports at sa
me time and store the stram to a hard drive or any specified target! This is not only a standalone utility that you might unintentionally close and lose important information - Propelled NMEA Information Lumberjack can act as a NT administration, which implies that clients may log on and off the Windows, and the system will be there catching your data, catching each character. Surprising practicality and force at a reasonable worth!<br />

<br />

Key characteristic:<br />

* ability to log numerous ports all the while. Every mechanism may have completely diverse parameters<br />

* upholds all talker sorts (Nuclear Clock, Sounder, Turn Rate sensors etc)<br />

* catch all standard NMEA sentences and some exclusive sentences for Garmin, Sirf and Starlink devices<br />

* helps custom baudrates<br />

* helps date/time stamping<br />

* helps collection of various sentences to one information record<br />

* yields gained NMEA information without any progressions to a log file<br />

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* acts as an administration or a standalone utility on all Windows stages <br/><br/> Download Advanced NMEA Data Logger Now:

Civil War Quotes, Notes, and Facts 1.0

Quotes, notes, and facts of the Civil War. Text-To-Speech, this software talks. <br/> Brimming with quotes, notes, and truths of the Common War. Has Content To-Discourse innovation, this product talks and will read the Civil War data to you in a human-sounding workstation created voice. Look into the Civil War. View Civil War pictures. Has three whole books about the Common War. Effortlessly exchange the Common War data to reports in other programming. You can read, listen to, or print out the Common War quotes, notes, actualities, and library books. Read and listen to data about Abraham Lincoln, U.s. Stipend, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, William Tecumseh Sherman, Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson, Frederick Douglass, the regular fighters, the natives, Billy Yank, Johnny Reb, the commanders and officers, the government officials, Gettysburg, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, First and Second Bull Run, Alexander Stephens, the Alliance, African-American Union wa
rriors, slaves, Common War gear, and parcels, parts more. This product will help you to research this stunning time in United States history. Common War pictures are demonstrated alongside the quotes, or notes and certainties. Something for everyone is incorporated, whether you are a Common War buff and scholar of numerous combats, or a newcomer beginning on your first Civil War taking in crusade. Discover what the individuals of the Common War said and did. Read about the concerns, reasons for alarm, encounters, and issues of the consistently Yankee or Rebel. Read about the popular fights from the expressions of the individuals who battled in them. Utilizes Microsoft Executor Engineering. Through a vivified character (Merlin - the Common War Perusing Wizard) who addresses you in a human-sounding workstation created voice, you can listen as the content of the Civil War quotes, notes and certainties, or Library books is perused to you. <br/><br/> Download Civil War Quotes,
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