All-in-one audio editor, recorder, converter, splitter, joiner and player. <br/> Leapic Sound Proofreader is an in with no reservations one sound editorial manager, converter, recorder, player, splitter and joiner. A full set of impacts and altering characteristics are incorporated for expert sound generation. The point when altering sound documents you can duplicate, cut, glue and blend any parcel of sound indexes. In the event that obliged, you may include impacts like Enhance, Blur In, Grow dim, Postponement, Converse, Commotion Lessening, and so forth. Mp3, WMA, WAV, OGG, VOX, Crude and a lot of people more sound configurations are all backed for immediate sound editing.<br />
<br />
With Leapic Sound Supervisor you can: <br />
Apply diverse channels (Brand Pass Channel, High Pass Channel, Low Pass Channel, High Retire Channel, Low Retire Channel, Score Channel, FFT Channel) to any chose share of sound indexes. <br />
Apply different impacts (Intensify, Compressor, Deferral, Level, Transform, Standardize, Phaser, Reverb, Converse, Blur In, Become dim, Flanger, Quiet, Therapist, Stretch, Vibrato, and that's just the beginning). <br />
Alter sound records outwardly (Cut, Duplicate, Erase Choice, Erase Hush, Glue, Glue From Document, Blend, Blend From Index). <br />
Play sound records or any share of the documents (Play, Stop, Proceed with, Stop, Play circle). <br />
Include hush or commotion. <br />
Complete, multi-level undiscovered and re-try competencies. <br />
Spare any part of a sound record to plate as another index). <br />
Record sound from a receiver or whatever available accessible data mechanism and recovery to WAV, Mp3, WMA, OGG, VOX, Crude, and so on records. <br />
Include data into sound indexes (Collection, Craftsman, Copyright, Kind, Title, Year, and so on.) <br />
Show sound information waveform (Zoom Full, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Zoom Vertical). <br />
Open Album tracks for altering and organization change. <br />
<br />
Least prerequisites: <br />
1) Windows 95/98/me or Windows NT 4.0/2000/xp/2003. <br />
2) Something like 10 MB of circle space for establishment. <br />
3) 586 CPU or higher (Emphatically Propose PIII 1g or higher). <br />
4) 128 MB RAM or more. <br/><br/> Download Leapic Audio Editor 4.0 Now:
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